Ideas for RoomKeyPMS

The goal of this portal is to:

  1. Collect your suggestions and ideas on RoomKeyPMS features
  2. To better understand your priorities   
  3. Review your ideas when planning the RoomKeyPMS roadmap  
  4. Update you on the features being considered and implemented in future releases

Note: Ideas submitted to this portal are for collaboration and brainstorm for future releases.  This portal is monitored but it not to be utilized as a support ticket system.  We will facilitate a professional code of conduct to create meaningful discussion around product development. If you require customer support please email or visit

Generate a report that is more than 31 day

Why can we not generate a report for more than 31 day; except for a few?  

You punish the RK users by 

  1. All reports should be allowed from the beginning of time.  Why restrict it?
  2. If the report is forced to be only 31 days, then state it somewhere.  Like Monthly report
  3. if the report is limited to 31 days and the user chooses 32+ days then why make them start all over again to select the report?

Custom report interface is terrible. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 3 2016
How would you rate the importance of this idea? Critical to operating our Hotel
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Shane MacPhail commented
    November 04, 2016 17:10

    Thanks for the feedback, this makes perfect sense and clarity on specific reports and time factors within them will be a part of the new RoomKeyPMS reporting tools as we define them and build them out.