Ideas for RoomKeyPMS

The goal of this portal is to:

  1. Collect your suggestions and ideas on RoomKeyPMS features
  2. To better understand your priorities   
  3. Review your ideas when planning the RoomKeyPMS roadmap  
  4. Update you on the features being considered and implemented in future releases

Note: Ideas submitted to this portal are for collaboration and brainstorm for future releases.  This portal is monitored but it not to be utilized as a support ticket system.  We will facilitate a professional code of conduct to create meaningful discussion around product development. If you require customer support please email or visit

The ability to book more than one room at once.

This would be very useful instead of the way we do it currently by booking each room as a separate reservation. This not only takes time, but also gives opportunity for clerk error in between reservations i.e.: room type, length of stay, etc.

If we could have a #of rooms field on the reservation wizard that automatically created the other reservations, copying the data from the original reso, that would be fantastic.

  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2016
  • Already exists
How would you rate the importance of this idea? Critical to operating our Hotel
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    28 Dec, 2019 11:15pm

    You are missing the original poster's point. Yes, we can copy one at a time, but that is slow and onerus. It would be good to be able to select multiple rooms and than enter the guest's data only once.

  • Admin
    Shane MacPhail commented
    2 Oct, 2017 07:20pm

    Hi there,

    Thank you so much for the suggestion.

    Although we don't directly have a "multi room function" we do have a new res add on function which allows you to "copy" an existing reservation and modify it to suit the needs.

    Many of our clients love that feature.

    To do so:

    1) Go to any reservation in any status

    2) Right click new res add on

    3) this will enable you to essentially "copy a reservation"

    Hope this helps.


  • +1