Ideas for RoomKeyPMS

The goal of this portal is to:

  1. Collect your suggestions and ideas on RoomKeyPMS features
  2. To better understand your priorities   
  3. Review your ideas when planning the RoomKeyPMS roadmap  
  4. Update you on the features being considered and implemented in future releases

Note: Ideas submitted to this portal are for collaboration and brainstorm for future releases.  This portal is monitored but it not to be utilized as a support ticket system.  We will facilitate a professional code of conduct to create meaningful discussion around product development. If you require customer support please email or visit

Change room type without having to manually input rates again.

When changing a guests room type, it would be nice to be able to keep the current rates rather than have to input them AGAIN into the new room type. There is already too much clicking as it is in RoomKey --  Why cant it remember the rates and just change the room type?  I know the room type can be changed from the check in menu but this new option to balance the house ahead of time would be incredibly useful. This was posted a year ago with 33 votes but was never acknowledged.

  • E L
  • Nov 26 2016
How would you rate the importance of this idea? Critical to operating our Hotel
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  • Lorienne Schwenk commented
    27 Apr, 2018 05:42pm

    This would be nice if there were an option to keep rates the same.

  • Guest commented
    27 Jun, 2017 05:28pm

    Certainly we need to be able to upgrade or downgrade in an easier way, this is daily work.

  • Brian Critchlow commented
    17 May, 2017 06:55pm

    This would be a huge help. After our import, we had added two new room types. I had to manually enter hundreds of rates when re-assigning rooms.

  • Guest commented
    21 Dec, 2016 04:02am


  • +1