Ideas for RoomKeyPMS

The goal of this portal is to:

  1. Collect your suggestions and ideas on RoomKeyPMS features
  2. To better understand your priorities   
  3. Review your ideas when planning the RoomKeyPMS roadmap  
  4. Update you on the features being considered and implemented in future releases

Note: Ideas submitted to this portal are for collaboration and brainstorm for future releases.  This portal is monitored but it not to be utilized as a support ticket system.  We will facilitate a professional code of conduct to create meaningful discussion around product development. If you require customer support please email or visit

Date range

We really  need to have Statement by Date arrange  so we could send to the Corporate only the time that's due 

not the entire Statement that's Open  in RK 

  • Frank Costa
  • Apr 6 2018
How would you rate the importance of this idea? Critical to operating our Hotel
  • Attach files
  • Danielle Cole commented
    January 22, 2019 16:43

    Agreed! A much needed fix. Companies need to receive billings by monthyl period, not necessarily all outstanding.

  • Frank Costa commented
    April 06, 2018 22:00

    ALo a Place to display the Corporate Locater reservation number or PO #